Mandy Reed, a devoted wife and mother of two, is a certified Victim Advocate and a dedicated advocate in the anti-human trafficking movement. She is also the founder of Dear Dinah, Inc., a faith-based nonprofit organization headquartered in Dayton, OH, committed to combatting human trafficking.

In addition to her roles within her family, Mandy passionately serves as a speaker and trainer on human trafficking awareness with the hopes to shed light on the harsh realities of modern-day slavery. Mandy's advocacy is deeply rooted in her faith, as she endeavors to spread the hope and love of Jesus to all she encounters, striving to illuminate the darkness of exploitation and injustice.

Her fervent prayer is to ignite a fire within others to join the fight against human trafficking and to offer unwavering support to survivors on their journey towards healing and freedom.

Something struck me the day I read about Dinah. It wasn’t merely the fact that her story resonated with so many of the women I have had the honor of meeting and becoming friends with. It was that her story existed in the first place. Her story matters. Her story matters to me and more importantly- it matters to God. So much so that He didn’t see His Word complete without her story included.

God loves Dinah and God loves every single victim and survivor affected by the horrors of human trafficking. Why God chose me to be a part of their incredible testimonies, I will never know. All I know is that I am eternally grateful.

The Lord broke my heart for human trafficking in the summer of 2019, although I can clearly see how He has prepared me for this calling over the last twenty years. I know what it feels like to be broken, lied to, abandoned, used, and abused. But I also know what it feels like to be fed, nurtured, loved, and restored. I know what hope looks like, because I know Jesus. It is his ministry to his people that motivates and pushes me forward in ministering to the Dinah’s in our world.

And I hope you will join me. Their fight is OUR fight. Reach out anytime and we’ll link arms to fight together!

– Mandy Reed, Founder