Shop Our Amazon Wish Lists!

  • The Farm

    Selah's Farm, part of our tiny home community for survivors of sex trafficking, is home to our seven chickens and coming soon- goats! This farm offers a place of healing, growth, and empowerment for the precious souls affected by human trafficking providing them with meaningful activities and opportunities for self-sufficiency.

    Shop our wish list HERE

  • Art Therapy

    Dear Dinah offers free weekly art therapy classes for survivors of human trafficking. These sessions provide a safe and supportive space for healing and self-expression, helping participants process their experiences and find empowerment through creativity. Your donations help us foster hope and transformation through the power of art.

    Shop our wish list HERE

  • Street Outreach

    Dear Dinah's street outreach provides essential support to victims of human trafficking and those most vulnerable within our community. Through this weekly initiative, we offer vital resources, care, connection, and the hope of the Gospel to help these individuals find safety and begin their journey towards healing.

    Shop our wish list HERE