It all began with Dinah.

Genesis 34 tells the story of Jacob's only daughter, Dinah, who was violated by the son of a Hivite prince while seeking time with the women in the town of Shechem. The Bible tells us that Dinah was "taken", "violated", and "humiliated".

What broke my heart about Dinah's story is that we never hear her voice. We know what happened to her, but we never hear directly from her. When the Lord walked me through Dinah's story, I was so brokenhearted for her and all I wanted to do was to hug her and say, "Dear Dinah"

"Dear Dinah" continued to replay over and over in my mind until I finally looked up the two words. "Dear" means to be cherished and loved, and "Dinah" means judged and found innocent. To be vindicated.

There are many "Dinahs" walking among us. So many of them have been violated and humiliated and in the process, they have lost their voice and are left with broken hearts. Dear Dinah was created to be a safe place where survivors of human trafficking can find their voice again. It is a ministry focused on loving and protecting those who have had their innocence taken from them.

Dear Dinah's mission is not only to create a safe place for survivors of human trafficking, but also help raise awareness to the horrors of this crisis. In addition to raising awareness, Dear Dinah is committed to walking alongside already existing organizations and ministries in order to create a connected community of people who are devoted to protecting and empowering the Dinahs of our world.

Dearest Dinah,

You are cherished. You are loved. You have been vindicated.